All changes to bullet damage made in our February 9 beta patch have been reverted.Damaging Bastion’s core when in Sentry Mode will now cause double damage, decreased from triple damage.Aim restrictions have been removed when transforming.Duration reduced from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.Today, Bastion can be found assisting in Torbjörn’s workshop, helping the humans he once fought against. Torbjörn freed Bastion from much of his wartime programming and conducted major repairs on several of Bastion’s decades-old, crumbling systems. Won over by his curiosity and preliminary research, Torbjörn relocated Bastion to his Ironclad Guild, helping the robot survive if he followed the rules. Amid the hunt, Torbjörn discovered this specific unit was acting counter to his combat directives. Torbjörn Lindholm, one of the original Bastion unit designers, offered to eliminate him. In his wanderings, Bastion appeared in northern Sweden, where his discovery ignited old fears in the populace. This has led to instances of conflict with the few humans it has encountered, and has driven it to avoid populated areas in favor of the wild, uncharted regions of the world. Though "Bastion" appears to be gentle-even harmless, at times-its core combat programming takes over when the unit senses danger, utilizing its entire arsenal to eliminate anything it perceives as a threat. This inquisitive Bastion unit set out to explore its surroundings and discover its purpose on a war-ravaged planet.

With its combat programming all but lost, it instead displayed an intense curiosity about the natural world and its inhabitants. That was until one fateful day, when it unexpectedly reactivated. Overgrown with vines and roots and nested upon by small animals, the robot sat inert, seemingly unaware of the passing of time. It lay dormant, exposed to the elements and rusting while nature slowly reclaimed it. One unique Bastion unit, severely damaged in the final battles of the war, was left forgotten for over a decade. To this day, Bastion units still symbolize the horrors of the conflict. Following the resolution of the crisis, nearly all of them were destroyed or disassembled. But during the Omnic Crisis, they were turned against their human makers, forming the bulk of the omnics' rebel army. Originally created for peacekeeping purposes, Bastion robot units possessed the unique ability to rapidly reconfigure themselves into an assault-cannon mode. Once a frontline combatant in the devastating Omnic Crisis, this curious Bastion unit now explores the world, fascinated by nature but wary of a fearful humanity.